ISBN-13: 978-1930068094
Published 2002
Available at Amazon.com and SPDBooks.org
This retrospective collection of Malmude’s short lyrics contains work included in collections previously issues by Shell Press and Goodbye books, as well as poems included in Best American Poetry 2002.
From Publishers Weekly
Veteran New York poet Steve Malmude gathers “Little daughters/ in the middle of the night,” “the perfume/ stewardesses lay so thin,” “Jim/ Henson’s/ hidden/ hands” and “A gagged aorta,/ a light prison, a field of azure-tinted wheat” into The Bundle: Selected Poems, his first full-length collection. In nearly 60 short lyrics, Malmude describes events as they happen: in one poem “You open/ the safe/ and begin/ the day,” in another “I draw my snow cap off/ so you can see my age/ for I have walked enough/ in youthful camouflage.” From there, “if it were a farm/ and he were a friend/ it would confer an/ axial sense on me.”
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